Welsh Griddle Cakes
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  Serves : 15 cakes

  Time : 27 minutes

   on NS Flat Tava 30 cm

1¾ cups (200 gm) refined flour 
2 teaspoons baking powder 
¼ teaspoon salt 
¼ teaspoon nutmeg powdered (optional)
1/3 cup + 1½ tablespoons (100 gm) cold butter (cut into 1.5 cm cubes and refrigerated till use)
¾ cup (100 gm) powdered sugar 
1/3 cup (50 gm) raisins 
1 Egg (beaten)
½ to 2 teaspoons milk 
1 teaspoon butter 

1. Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and nutmeg, three times. Place in large bowl.
2. Add cold butter into bowl. Take a small portion of butter and flour mixture between fingertips and thumb of each hand. Raise hands about 20 cm from base of bowl. Rub butter and flour mixture between fingers and thumbs; let mixture fall into bowl. Repeat till all butter is rubbed in and mixture resembles fine bread crumbs. Add sugar and raisins. Mix with a fork. Add egg. Mix with fork. Add and mix enough milk, ½ teaspoon at a time, till mixture can be patted to form a ball. Do not knead.
3. On a floured surface, roll out dough evenly to about ½ cm thick. Cut into rounds with pastry cutter or inverted bowl or glass 7 cm in diameter. Use a blunt knife/spatula to lift rounds and place on a floured surface.
4. Gather trimmings and form a ball. Repeat step 3 till all dough is cut into rounds (about 15).
5. Heat tava on medium heat about 5 minutes.
6. Reduce heat to low. Spread butter all over tava. Quickly add 5 rounds, leaving the centre space free. Cook about 5 minutes on each side (both sides should be golden brown).
7. Cook remaining rounds, 5 at a time, on low heat about 3 minutes on each side without adding butter. Serve hot or at room temperature accompanied with honey or jam.

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