Bengali Sweet
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  Serves : 6

  Time : 32 minutes

   in 5 Litre Hawkins Ceramic-Coated Contura Tomato Red

1 litre cow's milk
¼ tsp citric acid (dissolved in ½ cup water)
1 tsp refined flour
1 cup sugar
3 cups water
a few drops rose essence

1. To make chenna (paneer): Bring milk to boil in a pan. Allow to cool. Skim off all fat from the surface. Bring milk to boil again. Gradually add citric acid, stirring constantly. When milk curdles, remove pan from heat and leave covered for 15 minutes. Place muslin over a bowl. Pour curdled milk into muslin and strain. Gather up corners of muslin and tie about 5 cm above curds. Hang this bag for about 15 minutes. Gently squeeze bag, take down and place between two cutting boards. Place on top board, about 2 kgs. heavy object for about 1 hour. Remove weight. Untie bag and remove chenna.
2. Place chenna on a plain working surface and knead with the heel of the hand for about ½ minute. Add flour and continue kneading till the grains disappear and chenna becomes soft and creamy (approxinately 5 minutes). Divide the mixture into 12 equal portions. Form each into a ball 4 cm in diameter. Roll each ball with slight pressure between palms till smooth and even.
3. Put sugar and water into cooker. Place cooker on high heat. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly till sugar is dissolved. Carefully place chenna balls one by one in syrup.
4. Close cooker. Bring to full pressure on high heat. Reduce heat and cook for 7 minutes.
5. Remove cooker from heat. Allow to cool naturally.
6. Open cooker. Add essence. Stir. Place rasogollas with syrup in serving bowl. Serve hot or cold.

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