Puran Poli
Sweet Stuffed Unleavened Bread
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  Serves : 18 poli

  Time : 70 minutes

   on NS IC Flat Tava 26 cm

1¾ cups (200 gm) sifted refined flour
¼ teaspoon salt
a pinch turmeric powder
1/3 cup + 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon (100 ml) water
¼ cup + 2 tablespoons (90 ml) vegetable oil
1 cup (200 gm) Bengal gram
1 2/3 cups (400 ml) water
1 1/3 cups (375 gm) jaggery grated
10 green cardamoms (husks removed, seeds powdered)

1. To make dough: Mix flour, salt and turmeric powder. Add water and mix to make a stiff dough. Add oil, 2 tablespoons at a time, kneading after each addition, till dough is very soft, elastic and no longer sticky. Keep covered 1 hour.
2. To make filling: Put gram and water in a Hawkins pressure cooker. Close cooker. Bring to full pressure (first whistle) on high heat. Reduce heat and cook 10 minutes. Remove cooker from heat. Allow to cool naturally.
3. Open cooker. Mash dal with back of a ladle.
4. Add jaggery and cardamom. Cook on medium heat till mixture thickens and leaves the sides of cooker, stirring occasionally (about 15 minutes). Allow to cool.
5. With oiled hands, make 18 balls about 3 cm in diameter. Keep covered.
6. To make poli : Knead dough briefly. With oiled hands, make 18 balls about 3 cm in diameter. Keep covered.
7. Rub hands with a little oil. Put a ball of dough on palm of one hand. With fingers of other hand, pat dough outwards to form a round 6 cm in diameter. Put a ball of filling in centre of round. Close round over filling by gently gathering dough from sides to top, pinching to form a tiny peak. Press peak to one side and pat dough to seal any openings. Keep assembled ball on floured surface. Assemble and keep remaining balls in the same way.
8. On a floured board, flatten assembled ball slightly. Roll gently into a flat round 14 cm in diameter.(To prevent sticking when rolling out rounds of dough: slightly flatten balls and press the balls lightly in flour on both sides. Shake off excess flour and roll out). Roll out remaining balls in the same way. Keep covered.
9. Heat tava on medium heat about 3 minutes. Put round on tava. Cook about 1 minute (underside should have very few faint brown specks). Turn over. Cook second side similarly about 1 minute. Cook remaining rounds in the same way. Serve hot or at room temperature. Optional garnish: melted ghee or butter.

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