Lemon Custard
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  Serves : 2

  Time : 12 minutes

   in 5 Litre Hawkins Stainless Steel

1 cup milk
1 egg
2½ tbsp sugar
¼ tsp lemon rind (grated)
½ tsp lemon extract
a small pinch salt
¾ cup water

1. Scald milk and allow to cool slightly.
2. In a bowl, beat egg lightly to mix yolk and white. Add sugar, lemon rind, lemon extract and salt. Stir. Gradually add milk, stirring constantly.
3. Grease two 6-ounce glass custard cups. Pour half the mixture in each cup. Cover cups tightly with aluminium foil securely tied.
4. Pour water into cooker. Put grid in cooker. Place cups on grid.
5. Close cooker. Bring to full pressure on high heat. Reduce heat and cook for 5 minutes.
6. Remove cooker from heat. Reduce pressure by placing cooker in approximately 4 inches (10 cms.) of cold water in a basin or in a sink for 1 or 2 minutes.
7. Open cooker. Take out and uncover cups.
8. Allow to cool to room temperature. Refrigerate. Serve custard chilled.

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