Green Gram with Vegetables - Orissa Sty
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  Serves : 8

  Time : Pressure Cooking Time 5 minutes

   5 Litre pressure cooker

1 cup split skinned green gram
4 cups water
1 tsp turmeric powder
1 tbsp salt
2 medium (200 g) potatoes (peeled, halved and cut into 1 cm thick slices)
200 g red pumpkin (peeled and cut into 4 cm long and 2 cm thick slices)
100 g brinjal (cut into 5 cm long and 2 ½ cm thick slices)
100 g raw papaya (peeled and cut into 4 cm long and 1 cm thick slices)
1 cup coconut (grated)
3 tbsp vanaspati or ghee (for Tempering)
½ tsp mustard seeds (for Tempering)
2 bay leaves (for Tempering)
1 tsp cumin seeds (for Tempering)
4 whole dry red chillies (broken into pieces) for Tempering
1 medium (100 g) onion (chopped) for Tempering
1 medium (100 g) tomato (chopped) for Tempering

1. In a pan, roast green gram on medium heat till light brown (approximately 8 minutes), stirring constantly. Remove and wash roasted gram.
2. Put gram, water, turmeric powder and salt in cooker. Stir.
3. Close cooker. Bring to full pressure on high heat. Reduce heat and cook for 3 minutes.
4. Remove cooker from heat. Reduce pressure by placing cooker in a basin of cold water for about 2 minutes.
5. Open cooker. Add all other ingredients except those for tempering. Mix.
6. Close cooker. Bring to full pressure on high heat. Reduce heat and cook for 2 minutes.
7. Remove cooker from heat. Allow to cool naturally.
8. Open cooker.
9. For tempering, heat vanaspati in a pan for about 2 minutes. Add mustard seeds. When crackling, add bay leaves, cumin seeds and chillies. Stir for a few seconds. Add onion and fry till golden brown. Add tomato. Cook till tomato is pulpy and vanaspati shows separately (approximately 2 minutes), stirring occasionally. Pour over dalma. Stir. Serve hot.

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