Dal Panchratan
Mix of Five Pulses
Languages : 

  Serves : 12

  Time : 28 minutes

   in Hawkins Contura 5L

1 medium (100 g) onion
20 g ginger
12 flakes garlic
¾ cup ghee
1 medium (100 g) onion (sliced)
2 tbsp turmeric powder
2 tbsp red chilli powder
3 tbsp coriander powder
1½ tbsp salt
5½ cups water
1/3 cup red gram (washed)
1/3 cup split red lentils (washed)
1/3 cup Bengal gram (soaked in hot water for 1 hour and drained)
1/3 cup split skinned black gram (washed)
1/3 cup split skinned green gram (washed)
9 green chillies (chopped)
2 tbsp cumin powder
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp garam masala powder
1 tbsp coriander leaves (chopped)

1. Grind together onion, ginger and garlic into a paste.
2. Heat ghee in cooker for about 3 minutes. Add sliced onion and fry till golden brown. Add ground paste, turmeric, red chilli, coriander powders and salt. Cook till ghee shows separately (approximately 2 minutes), stirring constantly. Add water and bring to boil. Add all other ingredients except lemon juice, garam masala powder and coriander leaves. Stir once.
3. Close cooker. Bring to full pressure on high heat. Reduce heat and cook for 3 minutes.
4. Remove cooker from heat. Allow to cool naturally.
5. Open cooker. Stir in lemon juice and garam masala powder. Serve hot, garnished with coriander leaves.

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