Cheese Toasts
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  Serves : 18 toasts

  Time : 29 minutes

   in NS 3L Deep Fry Pan (WOK)

½ cup (40 g) cornflour
60 g cheese (grated)
1½ tsp mustard powder
½ tsp red chilli powder
1/8 tsp cooking soda
¼ cup (60 ml) milk
½ tsp salt
9 slices (each 8 cm X 7 cm X 1 cm) bread (crusts removed and cut in half diagonally)
Oil for Frying  
2 cups (480 ml)  

1. Mix all ingredients except bread. Keep aside for about ½ hour.
2. Spread cheese mixture on bread slices.
3. Heat oil in deep-fry pan on high heat for about 5 minutes (190ºC). Add 3 bread pieces one after the other (topping side up). Reduce heat to medium. Spoon a little oil over topping till set. Turn over and fry on both sides till golden brown. Remove and drain. Fry remaining slices in the same way, increasing heat after each batch. Serve hot.

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