Batata Wadas
Potato balls in Thick Batter
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  Serves : Yield: 18 Wadas

  Time : 38 minutes

   in 2.5 Litre Hawkins Tri-Ply Stainless Steel Deep-Fry Pan

1 2/3 cups (150 g) Bengal gram flour
1 tsp rice flour
¼ tsp turmeric powder
a pinch cooking soda
1 tsp salt
½ tsp red chilli powder
¾ cup + 2 tbsp (210 ml) water
Potato Mixture  
5 g ginger
4 flakes garlic
2 green chillies
4 medium (500 g) potatoes (boiled, peeled and while still hot, slightly mashed so that some small pieces remain)
2 tbsp coriander leaves (chopped)
1¼ tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1½ tsp lemon juice
½ tsp turmeric powder
1½ tsp vegetable oil
¼ tsp mustard seeds
½ tsp split skinned black gram
¼ tsp cumin seeds
10 curry leaves
a pinch asafoetida
Oil for Frying  
2½ cups (600 ml)  

1. To make batter: Sift together gram flour, rice flour, turmeric powder, soda and salt into a bowl. Add chilli powder. Gradually add water, stirring constantly to make a smooth batter. Keep aside for ½ hour.
2. To make potato mixture: Grind ginger, garlic and green chillies into a paste.
3. Mix ginger-garlic paste, potatoes, coriander leaves, salt, sugar, lemon juice and turmeric powder.
4. Heat oil in a pan on medium heat for about 30 seconds. Add mustard seeds. When crackling, add black gram. Stir for a few seconds. Add cumin seeds and curry leaves. Stir fry till gram is light golden brown. Remove pan from heat. Add asafoetida. Add to potatoes. Mix. Make 18 balls 4 cm in diameter.
5. To fry wadas: Heat oil in deep-fry pan on high heat for about 5 minutes (190ºC). Roll 6 balls in batter to coat. Add one after the other to hot oil. Reduce heat to medium. Fry till light golden brown. Remove and drain. Fry remaining balls in the same way, increasing heat after each batch. Serve hot, accompanied with chutney.

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