Vegetarian Snacks on Toothpicks
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  Serves : 24 snacks

  Time : 20 minutes

   in SS Triply DFP 2.5L

1 cup + 1½ tbsp (125 g) refined flour
1½ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
¾ cup (180 ml) water
1 medium (100 g) capsicum (cut into 2 cm squares)
1 large (150 g) tomato (cut into 2 cm squares)
150 g paneer (cut into 2 cm X 2 cm X ¾ cm pieces)
Oil for Frying  
2 cups (480 ml)  

1. Sift together flour, salt and pepper into a bowl. Gradually add water, stirring constantly to make a smooth batter.
2. Assemble vegetables and paneer on a toothpick in the following order: capsicum, tomato, paneer, tomato, paneer, capsicum.
3. Heat oil in deep-fry pan on high heat about 5 minutes (190ºC). Dip 8 snacks in batter to coat. Add one after the other to hot oil. Reduce heat to medium. Fry till light golden brown. Remove and drain. Fry remaining snacks in the same way, increasing heat after each batch. Serve hot, accompanied with tomato ketchup.

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