Paneer Tikki
Cottage Cheese Cutlets
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  Serves : 20 tikki

  Time : 50 minutes

   on NS Flat Tava 26 cm

8 1/3 cups (2 litres) milk
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 slices (each 8 cm x 7 cm x 1 cm) bread
1 cup (240 ml) water
2 tablespoons cornflour
1 small (75 gm) onion (finely chopped)
¼ cup coriander leaves (chopped)
2 green chillies (finely chopped)
1½ teaspoons salt
¼ teaspoon pepper
5 teaspoons vegetable oil

1. To make soft paneer : Bring milk to boil in a large pan. Add lemon juice, stirring constantly (about 1 minute) till milk has curdled (curd separated from whey). Remove pan from heat. Place muslin cloth over a bowl. Pour curdled milk into muslin and strain. Gather up corners of muslin and tie about 5 cm above curds. Hang this bag about 30 minutes. Gently squeeze bag to drain excess whey. Untie bag. Weigh 400 gm paneer to make tikki. Gently crumble paneer.
2. Immerse each bread slice in water for 15 seconds. Squeeze out and discard water. Shred bread into tiny pieces.
3. Mix gently with fingertips paneer, bread and all other ingredients except oil. Make 20 slightly rounded patties about 5 cm in diameter, 1 cm thick.
4. Spread 1 teaspoon oil on tava. Place on medium heat about 3 minutes. Reduce heat to low. Add 4 patties. Fry on both sides till golden brown (about 3 minutes on each side). Remove. Fry remaining patties in the same way, except do not increase or reduce heat. Serve hot, accompanied with chutney or tomato ketchup.

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