Makai ki Roti
Corn Meal Flat Bread
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  Serves : 12 roti

  Time : 87 minutes

   on HA Tava 26 cm

4 cups / 400 g corn meal
2¼ cups / 540 ml water
½ cup + ¼ tsp / 120 g ghee

1. Start this step only when ready to cook. Mix corn meal and 1½ cups/ 360 ml water. Add enough of remaining water (¾ cup/180 ml), 2 tbsp/30 ml at a time, mixing after each addition, till dough forms a soft ball. Make 12 balls about 1¾ inch/4.5 cm in diameter. Keep covered with a damp cloth.
2. On a well floured board, roll a ball of dough lightly. Dust rolling pin from time to time to avoid sticking. Seal cracks by pinching edges and continue rolling into a flat round about 5½ inch/14 cm in diameter.
3. Heat tava on medium heat about 3 minutes. Spread ¼ tsp/1.3 ml ghee on tava all over the area where the roti round will be placed.
4. Put one hand over round and tip board till round drops onto open palm. (If round sticks to the board, ease round using broad spatula and tip board in the same way.)
5. Put round on tava. Cook till underside has golden brown patches (about 2 minutes). Turn over with a broad spatula. Cook 2 minutes. Turn over.
6. Spread ½ tsp/2.5 ml ghee all over top surface of round. Turn over.
7. Spread ½ tsp/2.5 ml ghee in the same way. Turn over.
8. Lightly press entire round with spatula, rotating and pressing a small area at a time. (Pressing paratha/makai ki roti ensures even cooking. If you notice a lighter area, press on the opposite side of that area when you have turned over paratha/makai ki roti.) Turn over.
9. Press in the same way. Turn over.
10. Spread ½ tsp/2.5 ml ghee over round. Turn over.
11. Spread ½ tsp/2.5 ml ghee over round. Turn over.
12. Continue pressing and turning till makai ki roti is evenly browned (medium-brown) on both sides. Remove.
13. Roll out and cook remaining balls in the same way except do not spread ghee on tava. Roll out each ball shortly before cooking (while another round is on tava). Serve hot, accompanied with hot sarson ka saag.

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