Hash Brown Potatoes
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  Serves : 4

  Time : 50 minutes

   HA IC Frying Pan 25 cm

4 large (1 lb 5 oz / 600 g) potatoes (cut into ¼ inch / 6 mm cubes)
1 tsp / 5 ml onion (grated)
½ tsp / 2.5 ml salt
¼ tsp / 1.3 ml pepper
1 tsp / 5 ml lemon juice
3 tbsp / 45 ml butter

1. Mix potatoes, onion, salt, pepper and lemon juice.
2. Heat frying pan on medium-high heat about 1 minute. Add butter and spread till melted. Add potato mixture. Mix. Reduce heat to medium-low. Cover and cook 10 minutes. Uncover. Cook till potatoes are tender and light golden brown (about 15 minutes), stirring and scraping pan with a spatula. Partially mash potatoes. Pat to form a potato cake about 6 inch/15 cm in diameter, ¾ inch/1.9 cm thick. Fry till underside is browned and a crust has formed (about 5 minutes). Using a spatula, divide cake into 4 portions. Turn over each portion, reforming into round shape. Fry till browned and crust has formed (about 5 minutes). Serve hot.

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