Rice and Coconut Milk Pancakes
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  Serves : 10 appam

  Time : 23 minutes

   in NS 0.9L Breakfast Pan (Appachatty)

4 cups / 320 g coconut (brown skin peeled, grated)
1 ¼ cups / 300 ml hot water
1 cup / 200 g rice ( soaked 4 hours and drained)
¼ cup / 60 ml cooked rice
1½ tsp / 7.5 ml sugar
1 tsp / 5 ml salt

1. To make coconut milk: Put 2 cups/160 g coconut and hot water in a mixer-blender/grinder and mix the mixture about 3 minutes. Place muslin cloth over a bowl. Put mixture into muslin cloth; allow to cool till it is comfortable to handle. Gather up the corners and squeeze through as much milk as possible. Measure 1½ cups/360 ml milk and keep aside.
2. Grind into a paste rice, cooked rice and remaining coconut (2 cups/160 g), gradually adding coconut milk.
3. In a large bowl, mix rice paste, sugar and salt. Cover and keep aside (not in a refrigerator) at least 12 hours to ferment.
4. Heat pan on medium heat no more than 2 minutes. Stir batter and pour 1/3 cup/80 ml in centre of pan. With both hands lift pan from heat. Tilt and rotate pan to spread batter to make a round about 6½ inch/16 cm in diameter. Return pan to heat. (The batter which slides/flows back to the centre produces the desired fluffy, soft centre which is thicker than the "lacy" edges.) Cover and cook till surface appears dry (about 1½ minutes). Remove. Cook remaining appam in the same way. Serve hot with vegetable/chicken stew or Coconut Chutney.

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